Tell me how you will be able to resolve an issue if you don’t know what the problem is. Suppose you are using your dishwasher and it stops working out of nowhere. You are sitting clueless and confused about the issue you are currently facing. Well, I know this situation could be troublesome but believe me there are ways to get rid of such types of situations.
In order to have your appliance issue diagnosed you need to enter into the diagnostic mode. The next thing you will be thinking about is how to enter into this mode. I assure you that if you keep reading this article till the end then you will find out every related information regarding Whirlpool Dishwasher Diagnostic Mode.
Diagnostic Mode – An Overview
Before entering into diagnostic mode, it is important to understand it first. So basically a diagnostic mode is a state that helps to determine the issue and provides related knowledge about it. For instance, you face an issue with your dishwasher but have no idea how to resolve it. What you can do is enter into the diagnostic mode and gather related knowledge about the issue along with its fix.
Enabling Diagnostic Mode – Different Methods
Following are the different methods that you can use in order to enable the diagnostic mode on your Whirlpool dishwasher.
Method 1
In order to go with the first method, you need to follow the below mentioned steps.
Step 1: Turn OFF your Whirlpool dishwasher
Step 2: Cut down the power supply
Step 3: After waiting for a few seconds, reconnect the power
Step 4: Make sure the unit’s door is opened. Press and keep holding the buttons “On/Off” or “Start/Pause”
Step 5: Make sure you press the button by staying within the limit of 60 seconds after reconnecting the power
Step 6: Shut the door properly
Step 7: The machine will enter the diagnostic mode successfully
After the machine has entered the diagnostic mode successfully it will start checking the components to ensure their proper working.
Water Valve
Water valve will be the first component to be cycled. During this process, only 3 liters of water will be allowed to enter the unit by the flow meter.
Wash Pump Heater
Wash pump will be turned ON before the heater. The gap between these two components is 10 seconds. As soon as the temperature reaches 57 degrees, the beeper will produce a sound and the dishwasher will stop. Press the “Start” button to move further.
High Wash Pump Dispenser
The wash pump stays ON for almost 8 seconds. This time is divided into 3 delays of 2 seconds. The wash pump stays ON for a continuous 45 seconds and after this there is a pause of 30 seconds.
Drain Pump
The total work duration of the drain pump is around 30 seconds. After that, there will be a single beep and then the code will be displayed accordingly.

Method 2
In order to go with the second method, you need to follow the below mentioned steps.
Step 1: Turn off your Whirlpool dishwasher
Step 2: Cut down the power to it
Step 3: Re-establish the power to your dishwasher and make sure that the unit’s door is opened
Step 4: Press and keep holding the buttons “Cycles” and “Start/Cancel”
Step 5: Repeat the step 4 again while staying in the time duration of 60 seconds
Step 6: Shut the door and wait for the diagnostic mode to be enabled
Method 3
In order to go with the third method, you need to follow the below mentioned steps.
Step 1: Turn off your Whirlpool dishwasher
Step 2: Disconnect it
Step 3: Re-establish the power to your dishwasher and make sure that the unit’s door is opened
Step 4: Press and keep holding the buttons “Rinse” and “Start”
Step 5: Repeat the step 4 again while staying in the time duration of 60 seconds
Step 6: Shut the door and wait for the diagnostic mode to be enabled
Method 4
In order to go with the fourth method, you need to follow the below mentioned sequence of keys. But this method is not applicable for every model. However, you can always give it a try.
Keep pressing any three keys in the following sequence.
The delay between pressings shouldn’t exceed more than a second.
Can I Exit the Whirlpool Dishwasher Diagnostic Mode?
Yes, you can exit the Whirlpool dishwasher diagnostic mode. You just need to disconnect the power in order to successfully exit the diagnostic mode.
Diagnostic Mode Error Codes
After you have successfully entered the diagnostic mode, you will come across various error codes which will add more information to the existing issue. Some of the error codes are mentioned below.
Error Code E1
- Water inlet failure
The flow meter is used to allow the entry of water in the unit. The error code E1 occurs when the flow meter is unable to detect the filling of water in the unit.
Make sure to check the following components.
- Water supply
- Water inlet valve
- Flow meter
- Pressure switch
- Drains
- Control
Error Code E2
- Heater failure
After the wash pump heater has stopped working, the temperature should reach the right value after 90 minutes. Unfortunately, if this doesn’t happen then it means there is a heater failure.
Make sure to check the following components.
- Heater
- Thermostat
- Control
Error Code E4
- Overflow in the Dishwasher
Water flowing into the base with the overflow switch being activated will indicate the occurrence of error E4.
Make sure to check the following.
- Use the correct detergent type along with its correct amount
- Ensure that the dishwasher unit is levelled
- Check whether the overflow switch is working properly or not
- Inspect the proper working of drain pump
- Check for possible leaks and blockages
Error Code E6
- Open Circuit Failure Problem
You will face error E6 when the temperature sensor has become faulty.
Make sure to check the following components.
- Inlet water temperature
- Check thermostat
- Check the control
Also Check More Dishwasher:
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Error Code E7
- NTC Short Circuit Failure Problem
You will face error E7 when the temperature sensor has become faulty.
Make sure to check the following components.
- Check thermostat
- Check the control
In conclusion, there is nothing to worry about if you come across an issue like this. Just remember that there is always a diagnostic mode which you can activate on your dishwasher. After this, all the information regarding the issue and its fix will be presented to you. But it is important to have sufficient knowledge regarding the diagnostic mode. Make sure to read this article thoroughly so you can benefit from it.