Samsung Air Conditioner Blinking Lights [7 Fixations 2024]

If there is one thing that is different among new and old applications then it is the design and overall look of the product. You would not believe it but in the present time if someone likes the look of a product then he will buy it eventually without having a detailed analysis of its functionality. This is the reason why manufacturers focus more on the overall look of the product rather than its working.

The same strategy was adopted by a famous company Samsung. If we compare its old products with its new ones then you will see a prominent difference in its overall design look. Why? A good and attractive design attracts customers. By keeping this thing in mind Samsung tried its best to enhance the features of its products by creating a unique design.

For instance, the addition of lights or indicator lights is one of the most prominent features added in the latest products. If you buy a Samsung AC then you will see the presence of lights in it. Keep reading this article till the end to know more about these lights along with their working.

Samsung Air Conditioner Blinking Lights – Purpose

Don’t ever think that the lights on Samsung Air Conditioners are present without any solid purpose. In fact they have a very important purpose especially when it comes to solving issues. So whenever you see blinking lights then know that most of the time it means there is something wrong with your appliance.

Samsung Air Conditioner Blinking Lights – Potential Reasons

Now you must be thinking why do Samsung AC lights blink? Well, there are many reasons for it. Following are the most common ones which users face occasionally.

  • Clogged Filters
  • Poor Airflow
  • Frozen Coils
  • Insufficient Refrigerant
  • Electrical Fault
  • Incorrect Installation
  • Faulty Compressor

Now to remember which issue is occurring at the present time, you have to put in some effort and remember the color of the light. Each issue is represented by a unique light color so make sure you remember them by heart.

Samsung Air Conditioner Blinking Lights
Samsung Air Conditioner Blinking Lights

Samsung Air Conditioner Blinking Lights – Troubleshooting Guide

This section deals with the troubleshooting methods that you can follow in order to solve the issues.

1. Clogged Filters

You will see the filter indicator light blinking if the filters have been clogged or incorrectly installed. At this time, the color of the light will be red so make sure you remember it for future reference as well. Moreover, you will also experience reduced cooling if your AC filters have become clogged.

How to Fix?

The first thing that you need to check is whether the filters have been correctly installed or not. If not then contact a technician to get the job done. Secondly, if the filters have gone dirty then unclog them by cleaning them thoroughly. Lastly, if the filters have completed their life i.e. 6 months then make sure to get them replaced with new ones.

2. Poor Airflow

A poor airflow will be experienced when there is something blocking the indoor as well as outdoor unit. Having a poor airflow means that the air will be restricted and not circulate properly. In this particular case, the AC will blink green light or a combination of red and blue light.

How to Fix?

Make sure nothing is blocking the indoor and outdoor unit. If so, remove the blockages as soon as possible. Similarly, you need to keep the outdoor unit clean using a brush. Remove the heavy curtains as well to see the results.

3. Frozen Coils

Evaporator coils play a very important role in the proper working of your AC. If these coils have become frozen then obviously it is a clear indication of a refrigerant leak. You will see green and red lights blinking whenever this issue occurs.

How to Fix?

Keep your Air Conditioner switched OFF. After that, open the front panel and look for the evaporator coils. In case you find the coils frozen then make sure to get in touch with a technician to have the job done in the right way.

4. Insufficient Refrigerant

Samsung air conditioner will refuse to provide sufficient cooling when the refrigerant level has dropped to an alarming level. This happens when the unit is facing certain leakages. In this case, you will see a green light blinking.

How to Fix?

Check the refrigerant using a refrigerant meter. If you witness a significant drop then it is time to have an expert.

5. Electrical Fault

Know this thing that whenever your Samsung AC starts blinking green light then it means there is some issue related to the wiring. However, in case of red light the issue is with the circuit board. Electrical faults usually occur due to loose wiring, broken wires, damaged cord or irregular power supply.

How to Fix?

To solve this issue, you need to be aware of one thing: if you have basic electrical knowledge only then you can carry out this fix. If you have this knowledge then you can check the wiring and PCB for yourself otherwise get in touch with a technician.

6. Incorrect Installation

Sometimes an incorrectly installed AC might lead to blinking lights. But don’t worry if your AC hasn’t been installed correctly. All you have to do is call a technician to have the installation of your AC checked.

How to Fix?

If you witness any error codes then try to interpret them and carry out the relevant fixes for them as well. Rest of the work will be done by the technician himself.

7. Faulty Compressor

Sometimes the AC might blink a red light even after its filters have been in good condition. This happens when the compressor has become faulty. It will force your AC to work hard in order to maintain a cozy indoor temperature.

How to Fix?

In case you witness an E403 error code, know that the issue is lying within the compressor. You are encouraged to call an expert so your issue can be resolved right away.

Quick Recap

I have told you earlier that if you want to resolve the issue then it is important to first know the error. The error can be known if you are familiar with the blinking light colors. To help you with this, here is a quick recap of the issues along with their respective blinking light colors.

Green Light

Green light indicates:

  • Power Outage
  • Blocked Outdoor Unit
  • Refrigerant Leakage

Red Light

Red light indicates:

  • Idle Outdoor Unit
  • Clogged Air Filters
  • Tripper Breakers
  • Malfunctioning Circuit Board

Red and Green Light

Red and Green lights indicate:

  • Clogged Condensate Pipe
  • Frozen Evaporator Coils
Samsung Air Conditioner Blinking Lights
Samsung Air Conditioner Blinking Lights

Check Air Conditioner Fixes:

Fujitsu Air Conditioner Troubleshooting [3 Fixations 2024]

Hisense Portable Air Conditioner Not Cooling 7 Fixation 2024

Samsung Air Conditioner Error Codes [11 Fixations 2024]

Red, Green and Blue Lights

Red, Green and Blue lights indicate:

  • EEPROM Error

Ending Thoughts

Now that you know about Samsung air conditioner blinking lights, it will be easier for you to deal with certain issues in the future. I have mentioned each and every detail that you must know when it comes to the blinking lights. Make sure you follow this guide properly so that you can get rid of the issue in the best possible way.

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