It is a common issue nowadays where you come across a situation when your washer gets stuck on sensing. What is the reason behind it? How to solve this issue? Lots of questions and no clue. Well, if you are one of such people then this article is definitely for you. Don’t worry as I am going to give you sufficient knowledge regarding your problem i.e. Maytag centennial washer getting stuck on sensing.
Maytag Centennial Washer Sensing Cycle – An Overview
Before going any further it is better to have a look at what actually a sensing cycle is. Well, it is an important part of the wash cycle which is designed to automatically detect the weight, size and fabric type of the laundry. It optimizes the settings for an efficient wash. During the sensing cycle phase, the washer uses various algorithms and sensors to detect the load and make required adjustments before going to the main wash cycle.
The best use case of a sensing cycle is when there are different types of fabrics such as heavy or delicate items. Washer detects the load characteristics automatically and adjusts the settings to ensure proper cleaning.
NOTE: Sensing cycle might take longer than the main wash cycle. This happens because the washer needs an adequate amount of time to gather the required data and make necessary adjustments.
Maytag Centennial Washer Stuck on Sensing – Potential Reasons
Having your washer stuck on sensing might be really frustrating for you. Well, if you know the actual reason behind this issue then you can adopt the required fix for it in order to avoid that problem in the future.
Maytag Centennial Washer Stuck on Sensing
Uneven Load
Filling your Maytag washer with an uneven load might cause problems for you. If the load is uneven i.e. not distributed properly then the sensors will definitely have difficulty in assessing the fabric type and weight. So it is important to distribute the laundry evenly.
Overloaded Washer
Second most commonly faced issue is an overloaded washer. Your washer being overloaded might put pressure on the motor which will eventually affect the accuracy of the sensing cycle. To avoid this issue, first you need to check the load capacity of your washer and then make sure that you do not exceed that capacity.
Blocked Sensors
With the passage of time, the sensors in your washer might accumulate lint or dirt. These things can block your sensors and cause them to malfunction. If the sensors are unable to detect the load accurately then it means the washer will get stuck on sensing. Blocked sensors mean poor performance so you need to clean the sensors regularly in order to ensure optimal performance.
Defective Control Board
As I have mentioned this thing many times, the control board is actually the brain of your washer. It is responsible for carrying out the core functionalities of your washer. If the control board becomes defective then the whole unit might get disturbed causing the washer to get stuck on sensing. To get rid of this issue it is advised to seek help from a professional or an expert.
Electrical Issues
Sometimes the electrical issues are the real culprit behind the problem. Damaged or loose wiring can interfere with the normal working of your washer. Check for the loose wiring and a proper power supply. Moreover, consider resetting the washer in order to get the issue resolved.
Maytag Centennial Washer Stuck on Sensing – Solutions
After discussing the problems, now is the time to dive into their solutions. In this section, you will become familiar with the solutions that you can carry out in order to resolve the sensing problem.
Cancel and Restart
The most common solution to come across is a simple restart. You can do this by pressing the cancel button on your washer in order to stop the cycle. Wait for 2 – 3 minutes and then again restart the washer. Doing this will perform a soft reset which will bring back the normal working of your washer.
Check Load Distribution
Make sure that the load is evenly and properly distributed in the drum. If the laundry is unevenly distributed then it can throw off the sensors and cause the washer to get stuck on sensing. Make sure to rearrange the load evenly before restarting the cycle.
Inspect the Sensors
Have a close look at the sensors present in your Maytag washer. If they are dirty or there is a residue buildup then what you need to do is take a soft cloth and brush and start cleaning the sensors carefully. Doing this will improve the accuracy of the sensing cycle and prevent it from getting stuck.
Reduce Load Size
Another important aspect to consider is the load size. You shouldn’t overload the washer as it might cause the sensing cycle to malfunction. Check the load size of your washer and then fill it accordingly. You can know about the load size of your washer from the user manual.
Power Cycle
You can also perform a power cycle on your washer in order to get rid of this issue. Simply unplug the washer from the power source after turning it off. Wait for a few minutes and then plug back the washer and make sure to turn it on. Doing this will make your washer experience a power cycle and will also resolve temporary issues.
Get in Touch with Customer Support
If nothing works out then you can simply get in touch with the customer support. Visit the office after booking an appointment and discuss your problems with the technicians and experts present there. They will guide you accordingly and properly.
Q – What do I do if my washer is stuck on sensing?
A—Inspect the pressure switch. It is in charge of determining how much water is in the drum. If the pressure switch is malfunctioning, the equipment may become stuck in sensing mode. To see whether that fixes the problem, you might try cleaning the pressure switch and associated hose.
Q – Why is my Maytag washer sensing but not filling with water?
A – If you are positive that there is not enough water filling your Maytag washer, there may be a problem with the water level sensor as the root of the low fill problem. Another possible reason for your Maytag washer not filling with enough water could be a malfunctioning control board.
Q – How do you reset a Maytag Centennial washer that is stuck on sensing?
A—Before plugging the machine back in, unplug it and give it five minutes. After that, turn on the computer and hit the start button. Follow the open/close lid reset instructions to restart the washer. Simply push the start button, then open and close the lid six times in a span of twelve seconds.
Concluding Thoughts
All in all, you must get rid of this sensing problem as soon as possible. Without having this problem resolved, it is nearly impossible to proceed with further cleaning. I have shared all the information that I have gathered from my experience till now. I would advise you to carry out the same solution methods to get the issue resolved.