GE Dishwasher Fills with Water then Stops 7 Fixation Method

Are you also a GE brand user? If yes, then I assure you that you might have come across an issue where your GE dishwasher has stopped working right after filling water. Why does this happen or what are the things that should be avoided? Don’t worry as all the things will be discussed in this article with great detail.

GE Dishwasher Fills with Water then Stops – Potential Reasons

Following are the reasons why GE dishwasher fills with water and then stops.

  • Blocked impeller
  • Blocked dishwasher filters
  • Damaged dishwasher’s motor
  • Clogged drain hose
  • Faulty dishwasher drive belt
  • Dishwasher’s solenoid stopped working
  • Faulty water inlet valve

Troubleshooting Guide

After knowing the potential reasons now is the time to know the troubleshooting methods to deal with them. Below I have mentioned the most commonly used fixes for the stated problem above.

GE Dishwasher Fills with Water then Stops
GE Dishwasher Fills with Water then Stops

  1. Problematic Impeller

The first condition for a GE dishwasher to work properly fine is that all of its components should be working smoothly. In case any one component of the unit stops working then the whole unit will be affected negatively.

One of the most important components of the dishwasher is an impeller. There are some dishwashers which have two impellers. One is responsible for the water inlet valve and circulator while the other is related to draining. So in case if one of the impellers stop working then the unit will fail to work overall due to the built-in sensor which has determined that one of the components isn’t working.

How to know if the impeller is working or not should be one of the most asked queries among people. The easiest way to recognize the problem is when you notice that there is a lack of water flow in the GE dishwasher. This implies that there is some kind of blockage that is preventing the impeller from working and this should be your biggest clue ever. Another possibility could be that the impeller blades are broken due to which the dishwasher is not working fine.

Solution Method

The solution for this problem is to first inspect the impeller blades on the motor for resistance. Secondly, you can take help from the screwdrivers to move the impeller so that they can spin freely. Carrying out this step will help you to solve the problem.

  1. Blocked Dishwasher Filters

The GE dishwasher stopping right after filling with water is a huge indication that the filters have become clogged. GE dishwashers contain grinders that are responsible for breaking down the food particles. However, these blades are not foolproof. Sometimes, they can become jammed with unwanted objects which could prevent the washer from starting.

Solution Method

For fixing the problem you need to check the filters for possible clogs. If you witness any clogs or debris then of course you would have to clean the filters properly. For locating the filters you need to look in the loading area of the unit. You first need to take out the dish rack, if there are any particles present then you have to simply run water through them. Place back the rack in its place and run a test wash cycle. If this doesn’t bring luck to you then all you need to do is replace the old filters with new ones. But remember to get the filters which are compatible with your GE dishwasher model.

  1. Damaged Motor

Having a damaged motor? Well, you need to think no more as this is the main culprit behind your problem. The problem might exist due to the fact that you have left the dishwasher unit unused for a long period of time. You can make sure whether the issue is with the motor or not by simply carrying out a simple step. As soon as you switch on the motor you have to listen closely whether it makes any sort of sound or not.

Solution Method

The only solution left in this case is for you to replace the GE dishwasher’s motor with its compatible version. You can easily get the motor from the official retailers or even from Amazon.

  1. Clogged Drain Hoses

Drain hoses also have a great importance when it comes to the proper working of dishwashers. Due to any reason if the hoses get clogged with particles then the unit won’t start even after it has been filled with water. Many of you might not know but there is a hole in the hose which is present on the front of the dishwasher. You need to dislodge the washer from its position in order to have access to it. After detaching the hose from its point of attachment you will have to examine both ends of the particles that might be causing a blockage.

Now it is time to clean out the particles that are keeping the water from draining. Make sure to use the running water because then you will have a greater chance to solve the issue more quickly.

  1. Faulty Dishwasher Drive Belt

In older dishwasher models the pumps have drive belts wrapped around the pulley. The working of this belt involves creating and maintaining a connection between the pump and motor, this helps the overall system to run correctly all the time.

The belt is made up of rubber which means that a slight tear due to continuous draining will stop the whole working of the dishwasher. If this is the issue faced by you then the dishwasher will not drain.

Solution Method

A common sense solution would be to replace the old drive belt with a new one. After replacing the belt, run the dishwasher again to ensure its proper working.

  1. Dishwasher’s Solenoid Stopped Working

Modern GE dishwashers have drain solenoids which help the drain valves to start a new drain cycle. So if your dishwasher starts and then stops eventually then it might be due to the problem with your solenoid.

Solution Method

The only solution left for the damaged dishwasher parts is to replace them.

GE Dishwasher Fills with Water then Stops
GE Dishwasher Fills with Water then Stops

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  1. Faulty Water Inlet Valve

A damaged water inlet valve in a GE dishwasher might cause a flood in your kitchen’s floor and also cause difficulty for the unit to start working. If your unit fills with water even if you haven’t connected it to a power source then there is a high chance that the water inlet valve is broken.

Solution Method

Replacing the current faulty valve with a new compatible valve solves your problem. But you shouldn’t replace the valve on your own, instead you need to take help from the technicians or experts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q – Why does my dishwasher start to fill with water but then stop?
A – Ensure your dishwasher has power and is properly loaded if it stops in the middle of the cycle. To begin basic troubleshooting, clean the spray arm and filter. Make sure there is enough water pressure in your dishwasher as well.
Q – Why does my dishwasher start spraying water and then stop?
A—There are several reasons why a dishwasher could start and stop during the wash cycle, such as problems with the water supply, a broken motor, or sensor issues. To solve this issue, first, ensure enough water pressure or look for obstructions in the water inlet valve.
Q – Why is my GE dishwasher filling with water but not spraying?
A—Food particles becoming stuck in the upper spray arm can render it inoperable. Other plausible reasons for an upper spray arm not working properly include tangled connections, a clogged pump, and an overcrowded dishwasher. Another issue that can arise is if the dishwasher is receiving contaminated water.

The End

All in all, dealing with such minor issues shouldn’t be a big deal for you because everything is easy if you know how to handle things. I have mentioned all the important things that are related to the topic so it becomes easy for you to follow. Make sure to carry out each and every method carefully to expand your knowledge set.

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